Thursday, October 6, 2011

Willpower & Self Control

I have just finished the book Willpower by Roy Baumeister and John Tierney and found it enlightening both professionally and personally.  The authors contend that willpower is like a muscle that can tire but can also strengthened.  I then reflected on my own willpower and my level of self control and discipline and I have to admit that it was lacking.  There are things I have excellent elf control and willpower like running, eating reasonably well (having dessert once a week!) and there are areas I struggle - writing blogs, taking time out to build the business and conversely not thinking about the business.  One area that I really liked was the importance of doing the basic things right to enable yourself to focus your willpower on things that matter - It was these little things like making your bed, doing the dishes rather than leaving them, having the right food in the fridge or pantry, keeping things tidy and orderly, that got me thinking.  If we procrastinate on the little things how on earth do we have enough willpower for the important things in our life.  It made me realise that self discipline and self control are underrated and my aim is to be come more disciplined in the basic things to enable me to use greater willpower where it really matters - Now off to the do the dishes from last night :)

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