Monday, October 29, 2012

Willpower, Writing & Irony

I am currently embarking on a PhD in Leadership.  Well I have a hurdle or two to get through but at this stage I will be starting stage 1 in a few weeks.  In my research into doing a PhD, and yes I have heard the horror stories, I came across a constant piece of advice.  That piece of advice is make sure sure you write everyday.  I then thought how do I get into a discipline of writing every day.  Let's face it I can get very busy with work, travel, exercise and social engagements (Spring carnival anyone!).  I then look at someone like Jane who works with me in Brisbane.  She is about to have her fourth child and is able to churn out an entertaining and informative blog along with managing her very busy life. 

I was reminded of my last blog entry back in October 2011.  Yes, 12 months ago!! It was after I read a book about willpower and the importance of discipline.  It seems that things got in the way and I made time for the urgent things but maybe not the important things. Or maybe I lacked discipline.  Recently I read another book about Willpower by Kelly McGonigal and was reminded - again- that willpower is something that needs to be practised.  I now mindfully meditate 10 mins per day every second day as a way of practising.  But I don't write that often and if I think about the requirements of doing a PhD I know I need to get in the groove of deliberately practising writing.

So my willpower challenge is to write on this blog 3 times per week for the next 12 months. Not everyday but it is doable.  I hope that it will be interesting and thought provoking and either way if I stick to doing it I am sure I will get better at writing as well as provide discipline for doing a PhD.

For those interested in Kelly McGonigal's work - See this youtube clip.

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