Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Leadership and the US Election

A quick blog today as I am running a workshop. It is lunchtime and in the cafe the TV is on following the US election.  As a society we place so much expectation on our leaders and as a result  they invariably "fail" us.  Is it fair that we accede so much expectation to one person whether it be the President of the US or here in Australia, the Prime Minster.  Do we really expect this one person to fix all our problems.  What if we were to re frame our view on leadership to be less about the role someone plays and more about our own ability to exercise leadership.  Can we see leadership as a verb rather than being position based.  Would that lower our expectations of the "hero" leader and raise the expectations for our self to get in there and influence and make a difference.  So the question to you is, are you placing too many expectations on your leaders or are you exercising leadership in your organisation or community.

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