Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How is your level of charisma?

How is your level of charisma?  It is an interesting concept to grapple with when it comes to leadership.  It often brings up connotations of heroic or powerful leaders such as Richard Branson, JFK and Steve Jobs.  Whilst I have a problem with investing so much in these heroic figures I do agree that charisma is an important element of exercising leadership.

I have just finished reading a great book which sheds light on this interesting topic. Charisma Myth - How to Master the Art and Science of Charisma by Olivia Fox Cabane.  She has written an excellent "how to" book to help people develop more charisma.  It challenges, quite rightly, the view that charisma is genetic and that you either "have it or not".  Charisma can be learnt and the author provides some verey good advice and exercises on how to do that.

There is a link below that takes you to an interview the author has done with Forbes magazine.

The book talks about the importance of presence and mindfulness and how just simply being present with someone can help improve your level of charisma. 

So if you need to influence more then read this book will be useful.

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