Monday, June 6, 2011

Multiplier v Diminisher

One of the books I read recently was called multipliers by Liz Wiseman.  The premise of this book is that managers can "multiply" capability and engagement in an organisation or they can do the opposite and therefore known as a diminisher. 

Today I met with a colleague to discuss the book and how it might be implemented into organisations.  In many technically based organisations we often see individuals promoted and operate as a Super Individual Contributor - Rather than just doing their own job they end up trying to do everyone's role within their team often resulting in squashing the engagement, passion and capability of the people who report to them.  Why do they do that?  Again, like an earlier blog it can often be about control - the more I control the more I can cope.  So what are the steps to become a multiplier?  Wiseman talks about 5 key discplines that Multipliers exhibit.

They include:

  • Attract & Optimise talent - Do you attract good people or are you losing them.  The best people want to work for the best bosses
  • Create intensity that requires best thinking - They create a motivating environment where people are free to think, debate and find the space to do their best work.  They liberate.
  • Extend Challenges - They challenge people, groups and generate the belief that it can be done.
  • Debate decisions - Drive sound decisions through rigorous debate,
  • Instil ownership and accountability - They hold people accountable for their commitments and create an environment where individuals hold themselves accountable.
I liked the model and can see it working well in a technical based organisation as long as work was done in a  coaching sense around helping managers let go of control to enable them to become multipliers.

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