Monday, May 23, 2011

The Need for Control

In some recent coaching assignments we have seen how individuals use control to manage their "fear of failure" mindset.  It is an incredibly stressful to constantly be operating from a need to control.  The need for control can be manifested in many different ways including the need to be right,blaming others, not delegating, micro managing and perfectionism.  

We know from the neuroscience research that changing the brain structure is not easy unless you give focus attention to the change you desire.  We have encouraged our clients to ask themselves to become mindful (another topic in itself) and aware when their need for control comes up and challenge their thinking - "Is this the right thing to do or is this about my need for control?"  Challenging their emotional need to control with a rational perspective can start the change process. Bringing awareness to how control is manifested is the first step in making the change.

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